Thursday, January 24, 2008

All Creatures Great and Small (James Herriot)

(review by Cori)

The word that comes to my mind when I think of this book is "delightful." It's about the author on his first job as a veterinary surgeon in England in the late 1930s. Normally not the kind of thing I would pick up at first glance, honestly. But I read it back in middle school and remembered enjoying it, so was glad to revisit it when it was chosen for our Book Club this month. I will give fair warning that if you're easily grossed out by medical procedures there are several (animal births, surgeries, etc.) that are described in detail (but not overdone). I promise you won't feel like you're reading a medical textbook - and I don't handle bloody TV shows or bloody real-life shows well but didn't have a problem.

The accounts in the book are autobiographical and done with detail and wit. Many, many times I found myself laughing out loud. You'll enjoy the characters - James' quirky boss Siegfried, Siegfried's irresponsible but good-natured little brother, Tristan, and the many country folk Dr. Herriot visits to treat their animals. It's interesting as a look at a profession, a look at a period in history, and even just a look at human nature. (Pssssst, there's even a love interest.) Well worth the read, can't wait to go on that cruise and read the subsequent four books about his further experiences. Okay, there's no cruise, but sign me up!! So many books, so little time...

1 comment:

Mimi said...

my friend who recommended "My grandfather's blessings" recommended that one to me last week. I knew right away you were reading it.